To the People of September 11


Honoring the men, women, and children who loved, lost, and served on that fateful day, To the People of September 11 is a dramatic reading appropriate for any Patriot Day memorial service.

1 male or female*

3-5 minutes

*This piece could be presented in its entirety by a single reader, or dramatically presented by 2, 4, or 8 individuals alternating stanzas.


Excerpt | Stanza 7

To New York City –
You are a beacon.
We are reminded every time we see your night sky,
There is nothing we can’t do as a people,
That we will rise because we are Americans.

Service Ideas

To the People of September 11 is one of several patriotic themed dramatic readings and monologues available at The addition of special music, video, or other artistic expression can be used in collaboration with this piece to craft an entire patriotic experience.