You Can Hear it in the Carols (Rejoice!)
Weaving together ideas from several popular Christmas carols, You Can Hear it in the Carols (Rejoice!), is a dramatic reading appropriate to share at any Christmas gathering or service.

You Can Hear it in the Carols (Rejoice!)
You can hear it in the carols,
And the twinkle of expectant eyes.
In the dancing, sparkling lights of Christmas,
And joyful hearts’ contented sighs.
Rejoice! A babe’s been born to us,
In the still and silent night.
Sing Joy, sweet world, wake up!
Emmanuel draws nigh.
All of heaven’s glory wrapped
Within a tiny newborn’s skin.
Hands that formed the universe,
Now gentled for our sin.
Rejoice! O broken-hearted,
For He who comes to us, bends low,
To meet us in our need, our hurt,
Redeeming grace to show.
Rejoice! O weary sinner,
No longer do you wait.
For love’s come down to rescue you,
Made all crooked places straight.
Rejoice! Beloved children,
For your Savior is your King.
He rules in truth, in glories proof,
O’er all your life will bring.
Rejoice! With heaven all the earth,
Join loud with angel song.
Lift up your voice! Rejoice! Rejoice!
Come Christ, come near, come now!
Author’s Note
Beneath all the joy we experience at Christmas, is rooted the real-life story of the birth of Jesus. He is the reason we have hope for our future, the reason we can give and receive love, the reason we can know peace in this life and the next.
Weaving together common ideas and themes from popular Christmas carols (Joy to the World, O Come, O Come Emmanuel, Silent Night, and O Holy Night) You Can Hear it in the Carols (Rejoice!) seeks to encourage listeners to reflect on the Christ of Christmas and find true joy in Him, despite what may be going on in life around them.