Is anyone still talking about their [New Year’s] resolutions?
It’s somewhat inevitable that after the hype and excitement of the New Year, when our resolutions are juxtaposed with the reality of life, we might get a teensy bit sidetracked from accomplishing our goals. I’m sure that never happens to you . . . I’m just saying it’s something I might struggle with knee-deep into February.
Jon Acuff recently wrote, “If January is the month of setting resolutions, then February is the month where they go to die.” Bummer. Last month I enthusiastically blogged about my goals for 2012. Four days later we were slammed on our back-sides by the stomach flu. Sickness caused us to change the sleeping arrangements in our house and to date we are still trying to find out what the new normal looks like for us.
Time to think about New Years resolutions has been a bit sparse, but because I’d like my resolutions to last beyond February, I thought it was time for some self-motivation via blog update.
I’ve been very naughty and terribly lazy but recently encouraged privately by many of you to try again (thank you :)). To help me stay motivated I’m going back to regular updates – but I’ll post my change in weight (Mondays) and measurements (monthly) on my Facebook page. You’ll still hear about the journey here, but I’ll only post to share about the struggles or triumphs as they come along the way.
If you want to join me (or if you just like the updates) hop on over to the Facebook box at right and click “like” – you’ll be subscribed to all the lovely details of my losing and can throw in your own two cents as well :).
Definitely not pregnant. Hoo-ray.
I am proud to say I’ve consistently followed the reading plan I started at YouVersion. There are inevitably days I miss, but I’ve managed to catch up and stay on track. I am excited to keep pushing through . . . I’m currently getting a little lost in the detail of Leviticus . . .
When I wrote this, I was hoping to be more intentional and purposeful with the everyday experiences of life. This is forever a challenge for me because I like to get things done, but I have noticed when I intentionally slow down how incredibly wonderful it is.
This is one resolution I have fought myself hard for despite my being sometimes sleep deprived and a little crazy by the end of the day. I feel like I’ve given myself permission to pursue the things I am most passionate about while letting some other less important things slide in the chaos of “the meantime.” I think it’s all about healthy balance, and I feel good with where this resolution is at.
Despite bills and paperwork and finance maintenance being one of my least favorite things to do during the month, I signed up for a finance class by Dave Ramsey hosted at our church from March through June. I think this class is going to help me knock this resolution out of the water. That, and I’m excited to get out of the house (by myself) every week!
How are you doing on your New Year’s Resolutions?