We see you, Home Warrior
Behind every soldier stands the people who love them, who serve our country by letting them go. We see you, Home Warrior is a dramatic reading appropriate for any Fourth of July or patriotic service honoring the sacrifice of the men, women, and children who are left behind during deployment.
To purchase an updated and downloadable PDF version of the following script click HERE.

I love the sense of nation-wide patriotism the Fourth of July evokes. Our collective heart swells with pride as we watch the flag flown high in every parade across America, grateful for what it speaks about our country and our people.
For a moment, we pause and remember what it costs, who it costs, for us to be free.
There is no question our veterans and our troops deserve our gratitude, our respect, and our support – but the sacrifice bleeds much wider than the uniform.
Behind every soldier –
there is a man,
a woman,
a husband,
a wife,
a mom,
a dad,
a son,
a daughter –
who serve our country by letting them go.
They carry on in the absence of their soldier, who is to them a father, a mother, a brother, a sister, a husband, a wife, a friend first.
Our soldiers bring their physical bodies to battle, but their loved ones, they bring their hearts and lay them down on the altar of freedom, right next to the lives of their loved ones.
We see you, Home Warriors, in the thoughts we think about our freedom, in the heroes we salute, and in the heroes we remember.
We think you are heroes too.
Ones left behind who live with us, and for us, and for the soldiers you love.
Thank you isn’t enough, but it’s what we can give, along with our prayers and our support.
We see you, Home Warriors, and we love you.