Slashing the budget with DIY cleaning products
We are trying to save money like crazy. Who isn’t, right? After going through the budget and tightening everything we could, we found we could further cut costs by making some of our own cleaning products at home.
Before you roll your eyes (as I would have totally been prone to do), take a look at our switches, and let the savings do the talking.

DIY All-Purpose & Bleach Cleaners vs. Clorox Wipes
I used Clorox Wipes like crazy – in the kitchen, the bathroom, on the dining room table (until of course it started eating away at the finish) – and it’s expensive. I ran through roughly four canisters of wipes in a month’s time, which cost $11-12 on sale at Costco.
I came across a natural all-purpose cleaner from Sally Clarkson for everyday cleanup, and a “Fake” Clorox Cleanup at FakeItFrugal for ugly messes like raw chicken juice on the counter and tinkle spray in the bathroom. For each solution I purchased a Rubbermaid 32 oz. Heavy-Duty Spray Bottle (about $5 at Target) and sharpie-d the recipe right on the bottle. Because I like precise, I’ll include my measurements below . . .
All-Purpose Cleaner | Approx. $0.59 per bottle
15 ounces water
Juice from one lemon | $0.50 (Walmart)
1/2 cup white vinegar | $0.08 ($3.25 for 5 liters at Costco)
1 tsp dish soap | $0.01 ($7.69 for 90 ounces Palmolive at Costco)
Bleach Cleaner | Approx. $0.02 per bottle
25 ounces water
3 tbsp + 2 tsp bleach | $0.02 ($1/gallon)
1 tsp laundry detergent | (negligent)
Both solutions take less than five minutes to make. I’m spending a whopping $2.40 a month to refill the all-purpose cleaner once a week, and the bleach once every other. I’m using a few more paper towels in the course of a month, but the savings from switching out the Clorox wipes is worth the difference.
Homemade Laundry Detergent vs. Store Bought Detergent
Laundry Detergent | Approx. $12 per batch
DIY Baby Wipes vs. Huggies
Baby Wipes | Approx. $0.97 per 1/2 roll, or <$0.01 per wipe
1-1/2 cups hot tap water
2 tbsp baby oil | $0.19 ($3.84 for 20 ounces at Target)