Simply Christmas
Narration and Production Notes for a Complete Christmas Eve Service
Simply Christmas contains the narration, production notes, and song suggestions for an entire Christmas Eve service. It’s an honest celebration of the season – adaptable for any size ensemble, church, or budget – that can be prepared and presented with ease.
Get your copy today!
Included with the downloadable package*
you’ll find the following files to assist you and your team in the presentation of this service:
Production Notes
Contains a general overview of the service with special notes regarding narration, music, staging, and graphics.
Master Script
The entire script in one continuous document with cues and musical transitions for directors, production, and technical teams.
Narrator Scripts
Individual scripts to be copied and distributed to narrators for memorization or presentation.
Presentation and Promotional Graphics
*Special Note:
Photocopies are permitted with the downloadable package only. Please see copyright information included in the director’s notes for additional information.