Shout out to the Mommas
Today, I am reminded of how incredibly thankful I am for the example and friendship of all the different kinds of moms I have had in my life. Today’s post is a shout out to them.

To my Mom –
I never understood how much you sacrificed for me growing up. There was no way I could measure it or really appreciate it because it was literally something outside of my world. But I get it now. Or at least I get it better.
You always told me that you had no regrets, that you were happy to stay home with us, and I’ve always believed you. But I understand now the things you gave up for a season, and that makes it mean that much more to me.
You’ve always, always been there for me. Your relentless ability to believe in me, support me, and encourage me is a gift that I will always be grateful for. Thank you, a thousand times over.
To my second Mom –
You raised an exceptional man who is the blessing of my life and an incredible father. I know this gift was given to me in part because of your sweat, your tears, your prayers over the many years that you and Dad raised him. I am certain it wasn’t easy, but every act of discipline and every act of grace, was an act of love to Mike and I both. I know that you prayed for me before you knew me, and in that sense acted as a mom long before I called you one. Thank you, for accepting me and loving me as your own.
To Grandma and Oma –
I wish I would have gotten a little more time with each of you, time to grow up enough to know how to ask the right questions and hear the wisdom of your answers. I think I would have benefitted from a few long afternoons over a pot of coffee or sweet tea understanding the joys and sorrows that made the women behind my grandmas.
Most of all I wish I could have seen you meet my boys, hear them laugh, and see them smile. You would have made incredible great-grandmas, and my boys would have absolutely loved you to pieces.
To my momma-friends –
(you know who you are)
I love it that we’re raising our families together. To know that when I’m going nuts, you probably are too. To share funny stories and not-so-funny-stories, picky-eater-meal-ideas, and encouraging inspirational mommy posts. To laugh together and cry together. To be moms together. I am entirely certain this journey would be much less fun without you. I’m so glad that this season of motherhood is also a season of our friendship.
To my friends who are waiting to be moms –
I’m thinking about you today too, and offering up a prayer of grace. That today would be filled with good things for you and nothing less. Your day is coming and when it does there will be huge celebration, but until then, know that you are enough. You are loved, my dear mommas-in-waiting, and not forgotten. Remember there is a place for you today too.