Story of an Unwed Mother | Mary


MARY knows she is pregnant with the Messiah, but her condition is still a secret from her friends and family. How will Joseph accept the news? How will MARY survive the social stigma of an illegitimate pregnancy?

1 female

5 minutes


Story of an Unwed Mother details some of the thoughts MARY might have been thinking after the ANGEL’S message, placing her in the Biblical narrative before JOSEPH’S knowledge and acceptance of her pregnancy.

To create a longer Christmas presentation, Story of an Unwed Mother can be combined with any of the six Biblical monologues included in the Christmas Monologue Bundle and used with special music, video, additional narration, or other artistic expression to craft an entire Christmas experience.

This piece was derived from the vignette of the same name included in the Experience Christmas devotional and appears in the paperback and downloadable versions of Stories.


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