Production Notes {Good Friday Service}

Good Friday
Narration, Production Notes, & Graphics for a Complete Church Service
Take advantage of the revised and reformatted Good Friday scripts and presentation graphics for your church’s Easter celebration this season. PDF and JPEG downloads include production notes, master script, 5 separate narrator scripts (adaptable for 2-5 narrators), and 5 presentation graphics (including PowerPoint slides, bulletin header, and print graphics).
The Good Friday Service is a full-length experience engaging congregants with the story of the Cross through narration, Scripture, contemporary Christian songs, and the shared experience of Communion.
Production Notes
The Good Friday Service can be performed with as few as one narrator and as many as five. Narrations can be read (with narrators sitting on stools and using music stands), or memorized and performed like monologues.
Be as creative with the songs as the musical talent in your church will allow. During some songs congregants may be invited to participate in singing. Others may be performed as solos, in small ensembles, or with a traditional worship team/band.
Placing narrators and musicians on opposing sides of your stage will minimize the distraction of entrances and exits. Entrances and exits should occur under dim or dark lighting so make sure to line the edges of your stage and any stairs with glow in the dark tape.
This service was originally written for and performed at Northwest Assembly of God.
Service Order with Transition Notes
- Musicians begin playing “Light of the World” beneath NARRATOR
- NARRATOR lights candle during second to last line of narration
Light of the World/Here I am to Worship | Chris Tomlin
- Originally performed as an ensemble
- Musicians begin playing “The Wonderful Cross” beneath NARRATOR
- Before the last paragraph of narration, NARRATOR snuffs candle out
The Wonderful Cross (Song) & Psalm 22 (Scripture Reading)
- Transitional notes included with post
Passover and The Lamb Narration
Video Idea
- To transition from the Passover and The Lamb Narration to “How Deep the Father’s Love,” we played a clip of the Last Supper from Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ
How Deep the Father’s Love for Us
- Originally performed with piano, violin and one vocalist
The Call to Remember Narration
- During this narration, NARRATOR invites congregants to participate in Communion
Once Again | Matt Redman & Video Idea
- Once Again was originally performed as a duet during Communion
- For the original performance a slideshow of images from Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ played underneath musicians
- Arrange visuals at the Communion Table like nails, a crown of thorns, torn robe, etc. for congregants to consider as they take the Communion emblems
Communion / Closing Ideas
- Pastor gives specific instruction during Communion
- As a response to Communion congregants are invited to join the worship team and sing
- Song ideas: You are My King (Chris Tomlin), Beautiful Savior (Casting Crowns), Jesus Your Name is Power (Morris Chapman)
- Closing Prayer and dismissal