
Showing all 13 results

  • A Holmes Family Christmas


    A Holmes Family Christmas is a full-length, two-act play set in 2002 for a core dramatic ensemble of nine. Christmas carols and popular seasonal songs provide the background music of the play by way of a pianist and group of carolers (at least three). Laugh along as Elliot and Deanna Holmes survive the holidays with their families and learn the “something more” they’ve been missing from Christmas all along.

  • Advent Spoken Word Bundle


    The Advent Spoken Word Bundle is a series of four spoken word pieces that follow the weekly themes of Advent – Hope, Peace, Love, and Joy – in preparation for Christmas. Pieces can easily be memorized or read aloud and added as creative elements to regular worship services. Download includes weekly scripts, PowerPoint slides, square graphics, and bulletin headers.

    4 male or female

    5 minutes each piece

  • Christmas Monologue Bundle


    The Christmas Monologue Bundle contains scripts for six characters in the Christmas narrative. Titles include:


    4 male / 2 female

    5 minutes each monologue

  • Christmas through the Carols


    Christmas through the Carols is a full-length Christmas Eve presentation churches of all sizes will find easily adaptable to the seasonal needs and artistic abilities of their congregation. Using a combination of narration, scripture reading, and song, congregants journey through the Christmas story by way of some of the most cherished Christmas carols of our time.

    Download includes sample service order, production notes, master script, 8 separate narrator scripts (adaptable for 2 or 7  narrators), and 5 presentation graphics (including PowerPoint slides, bulletin header, and print graphics).

  • Simply Christmas


    Simply Christmas contains the narration, production notes, and song suggestions for an entire Christmas Eve service. It’s an honest celebration of the season – adaptable for any size ensemble, church or budget – that can be prepared and presented with ease.

  • Stories DOWNLOAD



    There is no story more precious than the one we tell at Christmas.

    Stories is a series of monologues intertwining both a modern Christmas Eve with fictionalized narratives of five Biblical characters present at Jesus’ birth, challenging listeners to surrender the pen of their lives to Christ at Christmas.

  • Story of a Barren Woman | Elizabeth


    ELIZABETH has spent a lifetime waiting to be a mother, and her people have spent hundreds of years waiting for a Word from God. Her cry of longing can be felt throughout the monologue as a refrain and a prayer that echoes the pain of waiting, and the hope of a faith founded in the truth of who God is.

    1 female

    5 minutes

  • Story of a Carpenter | Joseph


    Jesus is here, Mary is safe, and as a new parent JOSEPH does not know what to do with his Savior. JOSEPH’S uncertainty at his own capabilities of parenting Jesus is met with a determined faith in the God who he knows will continue to provide for every need of his young family.

    1 male

    5 minutes

  • Story of a Messenger | Angel


    The ANGEL has brought God’s messages to earth for thousands of years, and yet the one message that changed everything for all of humanity came quietly to a simple young woman in the village of Nazareth.

    1 male

    5 minutes

  • Story of a Seeker | Wise Man


    The WISE MAN has spent his life searching for the Jewish Messiah and believes he may be close enough to meet Him in his lifetime. Believing the promises of Scripture, and with the hope of finding God’s Son, the WISE MAN is ready to take the adventure of his lifetime.

    1 male

    5 minutes

  • Story of an Outcast | Shepherd


    The SHEPHERD has spent a lifetime in the shadows of Jewish culture, living and learning from afar. A spiritual hunger drives him to read the Scriptures and discovers a lengthy record of shepherds like him. After the angelic visitation and visiting Jesus in the manger, he is sure. The Good News is for everyone, even outcasts like shepherds.

    1 male

    5 minutes

  • Story of an Unwed Mother | Mary


    MARY knows she is pregnant with the Messiah, but her condition is still a secret from her friends and family. How will Joseph accept the news? How will MARY survive the social stigma of an illegitimate pregnancy?

    1 female

    5 minutes

  • The Accident at Christmas


    The Accident at Christmas is a monologue-sketch hybrid that tells a story of Christmas lost and Christmas redeemed, and the choice to pursue the real meaning behind the holiday. PDF download includes complete production notes and full script.

    1 female, 1 male
    1 vocalist

    10 minutes