Peter Healed a Beggar
Peter Healed a Beggar is an interactive drama meant to incorporate kids in the retelling of the Bible story found in Acts 3. With zero prep time for participating kids, and minimal prep time for leaders, this script is the perfect addition to midweek or weekend children’s services.

Keep reading to review the complete production notes and script below. A downloadable PDF copy of this script (meant to make photocopying this script for your leaders easy!) is available to purchase HERE.
Production Notes
Scripture Reference
Acts 3:1-10; 4:5-31 | Philippians 2:13
Students participate in a dramatic retelling of the story of PETER, JOHN, and the BEGGAR from Acts. Some students are invited on stage to help tell the story narrated by a lively and animated TEACHER with help from five additional adult leaders. Remaining students comprise the AUDIENCE and will also be invited to participate (from their seats) in the story.
Adult Characters (6)
Lively and animated narrator for our dramatic retelling of “Peter Healed a Beggar.”
Available to help RELIGIOUS LEADERS, CROWD PEOPLE, and stage actors/actresses with their lines/actions.
Available to help students in the AUDIENCE with their lines/actions.
Child Characters (9)
PETER (1 – M)
Jesus’ disciple who is empowered by the Holy Spirit to pray and believe for a miraculous healing for the BEGGAR and boldly witness for Jesus to the RELIGIOUS LEADERS.
JOHN (1 – M)
Jesus’ disciple who is empowered by the Holy Spirit to pray and believe for a miraculous healing for the BEGGAR and boldly witness for Jesus to the RELIGIOUS LEADERS.
BEGGAR (1 – M)
A poor man who could not walk and sat at the Temple gate asking people for money.
Extra students who will witness the miraculous healing of the BEGGAR from the stage.
Extra students who will discourage PETER and JOHN from speaking about Jesus.
Remaining students who will participate in the skit from their seats in the AUDIENCE.
Think of costumes for this skit more as suggestions (full Biblical garb is completely unnecessary) and allow the students imagination to fill in costuming gaps. Each child onstage and ON-STAGE LEADER should have at least one item to wear that gives the illusion they are wearing a Biblical costume.
Allow time for each child to pick something out of a costume box while the TEACHER is explaining directions to the AUDIENCE. ON-STAGE and ON-FLOOR LEADERS should help students with their costumes.
Here are a few costume ideas:
- Head coverings
Boys – square or rectangular piece of fabric with a headband attaching it around the crown of their head.
Girls – long rectangular piece of fabric that can be draped over their heads or shoulders. - Belts
Three long strips of fabric braided into a belt and knotted at each end. - Cloaks*
Long sleeveless vest that can be worn like a jacket.
*Requires some sewing - Large Nametags
Specifically for PETER and JOHN – could also be used for the RELIGIOUS LEADERS
Setting & Stage Area
Throughout the retelling of our story PETER, JOHN, and the BEGGAR should move to mimic the action in the story. The remaining characters and AUDIENCE will perform any directed actions in place.
Note that stage directions are opposite what the AUDIENCE’S right and left will be.
If you are working with a small stage area, the number of CROWD PEOPLE and/or RELIGIOUS LEADERS can be minimized, or students can act on the floor directly in front of the stage.
The ON-STAGE LEADER (not pictured in the stage graphic below) assigned to PETER, BEGGAR, and JOHN can stand on-stage or on the floor in front of the stage.
Buzz Words / Actions
Throughout the script the TEACHER will be using certain buzz words to illicit a response from students both on and off the stage. While verbal instructions are included in the spoken dialogue of the TEACHER, a quick chart is included below for easy reference.
Additional Direction
- CROWD PEOPLE will alternate between saying “ooooooooh” and “aaaaaaaaah” under the direction of one of the ON-STAGE LEADERS.
- RELIGIOUS LEADERS will say “No! No! No!” and wag their fingers at PETER and JOHN under the direction of one of the ON-STAGE LEADERS.
Buzz Word |
Person/Group |
Verbal/Action |
Peter | PETER | Verbal “Heeeeyyy!” Action |
John | JOHN | Verbal “Yo!” Action |
Beggar | BEGGAR | Verbal (before healing) “Help!” Action (before healing) Verbal (after healing) Action (after healing) |
Verbal “Cha-Ching!” Action |
Verbal “Glory!” Action |
Walking, and leaping, and praising God | AUDIENCE
Verbal Repeat “walking and leaping and praising God” Action |
TEACHER: Today we’re going to learn about an encounter that Peter and John had with a man who couldn’t walk, and we’re going to do that in a really fun way. We’re going to (with emphasis) act it out! (pause for student response)
To do this well I’m going to need several volunteers. You won’t have to memorize any lines, but you will have to be sitting very quietly and willing to follow directions (or any other normal set of good-behavior parameters that are familiar to the kids).
First I’m going to ask five leaders to come up here and help me with the kids – one of you will be in charge of the RELIGIOUS LEADERS, one of you will be in charge of the CROWD PEOPLE, one of you will be helping with the actors and actresses on the stage, and two of you will help on the floor with our students. (ON-STAGE and ON-FLOOR LEADERS go to their positions)
Now I need two kids who will be RELIGIOUS LEADERS (motion to ON-STAGE LEADER stage left) and 4 kids who will be crowd people (motion to ON-STAGE LEADER stage right). I also need a PETER, a JOHN, and a BEGGAR who will stand right in front of me (motion to ON-STAGE leader who will help).
All of you kids can go ahead and pick out one costume item while I talk to the leaders on the floor and the rest of the students. The leaders on-stage will help catch you up to speed on your parts for this skit.
(speaking to the AUDIENCE) Even if I didn’t call you up on stage you still have an important part in this skit.
(ON-STAGE LEADERS quietly help assist RELIGIOUS LEADERS, CROWD PEOPLE, PETER, JOHN, and BEGGAR with costumes and arrange them in position on stage. They also give directions regarding specific buzz words for everyone on-stage. When they are finished, everyone stands facing the AUDIENCE waiting for the TEACHER to finish giving instructions.)
(TEACHER gives AUDIENCE instruction.)
TEACHER: Alright, I’d like everyone still sitting on the floor to quietly spread out just a little. Make sure that you can stretch out your arms in front of you, behind you, and to each side without touching your neighbor.
(TEACHER and ON-FLOOR leaders demonstrate placing hands in front, behind, and to either side along with the AUDIENCE).
TEACHER: Perfect. You guys are going to help me “accentuate” some special words
(Every time the word “accentuate” appears in the script, it should be properly accentuated.)
TEACHER: Say the word “accentuate” with me. (allow students to respond) ON-FLOOR LEADERS can you tell me what the word “accentuate” means?
ON-FLOOR LEADERS: To “accentuate” something is to make it more noticeable or prominent.
TEACHER: Exactly! So when I say certain words in our story today, all of you still in your seats are going to help me “accentuate” them by either doing an action or saying another word. Make sense? (allow for students to respond)
Perfect. We are going to go over what some of those words are in just a moment, but if you happen to forget an accentuated word, you can always look at the leaders on the floor and follow what they do.
Let’s give this a try.
TEACHER: Anytime you hear me say the word “ money” you’re going to say “cha-ching” and raise your fist in the air like this.
(TEACHER and ON-FLOOR LEADERS demonstrate “cha-ching” motion with AUDIENCE.)
TEACHER: Perfect! And when I say the word “Jesus” you’re going to say “Glory!” and raise both your hands toward heaven like this.
(TEACHER and ON-FLOOR LEADERS demonstrate “glory” motion with AUDIENCE.)
TEACHER: You guys are so good at this! Ok, there is one more, and this one is a little more complicated but I don’t think it will be a problem for such a smart group of kids like you! When I say “walking and leaping and praising God!” you are going to repeat it back to me, mime walking, do a quick jump, and raise waving hands toward heaven like this.
(TEACHER and ON-FLOOR LEADERS demonstrate “walking and leaping and praising God” motion with AUDIENCE.)
TEACHER: Awesome! This is going to be so much fun! Ok is everyone ready on stage? (wait for response) Great! Let’s do this!
(The TEACHER begins telling the story. Buzz words are highlighted throughout the script with the intent that the TEACHER will pause for the appropriate actions, and both the ON-STAGE and ON-FLOOR LEADERS will help students complete them. Verbal responses are included for the CROWD PEOPLE and RELIGIOUS LEADERS where appropriate.)
TEACHER: One day two of Jesus’ disciples – Peter and John – went to the Temple to pray. At the gate they saw a beggar who was asking for money. The beggar could not walk, and therefore could not work…
TEACHER: …so everyday his friends brought him to the Temple so people could share their money with him to meet his needs
CROWD PEOPLE: Ahhhhhhhh…
TEACHER: When Peter and John met the beggar, he thought they would give him money like everyone else, but instead Peter and John spoke with the beggar.
TEACHER: Peter said to the beggar, “Friend, I don’t have any money to give you, but I will give you what I do have. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk!”
CROWD PEOPLE: Ahhhhhhhh…
(BEGGAR will switch to “thank you” and appropriate action on his buzz word.)
TEACHER: Jesus healed the beggar! His feet and ankles, his legs and knees, were all made strong and well. He got up and began walking, and leaping and praising God!
TEACHER: The beggar went with Peter and John into the temple to pray and all the people were amazed.
CROWD PEOPLE: Ahhhhhhhh…
TEACHER: Wasn’t this the man who asked for money everyday at the temple gate? It was! And here he was walking and leaping and praising God!
TEACHER: Not everyone was excited about the miracle Jesus did in this man.
TEACHER: The next day the religious leaders asked Peter and John how the beggar started walking and leaping and praising God.
(RELIGIOUS LEADERS and CROWD PEOPLE say the next line together.)
CROWD PEOPLE: Ahhhhhhhh…
TEACHER: Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit and told the religious leaders that the beggar was healed by the power of Jesus.
TEACHER: The religious leaders were especially upset because they didn’t believe in Jesus. They didn’t think Jesus was important, but He was, and He is. Jesus is the most important of all!
CROWD PEOPLE: Ahhhhhhhh…
TEACHER: The religious leaders told Peter and John to stop preaching in Jesus’ name.
TEACHER: But Peter and John stood firm. They told the religious leaders they would not be quiet but would continue to tell people about Jesus.
TEACHER: Because there was no reason to punish Peter and John, the religious leaders let them go, and they did just that.
TEACHER: The Holy Spirit gave Peter and John the power to speak about Jesus boldly and without fear. He can do that for me, and he can do that for you too!
CROWD PEOPLE: Ahhhhhhhh…
(TEACHER begins clapping to signify the end of the story. ON-STAGE and ON-FLOOR LEADERS do the same.)
TEACHER: That was really awesome guys. Thanks so much for listening so well and doing such a great job acting this story out! Let’s give a round of applause to our actors and actresses on stage. (pause for clapping) And now give yourself a round of applause!
Peter Healed a Beggar was first written for and performed at Willow North Shore.
If you are interested in a custom script for your church or ministry, please contact me HERE. I would LOVE to help!