Opening Narration {Good Friday Service}

Good Friday
Narration, Production Notes, & Graphics for a Complete Church Service
Take advantage of the revised and reformatted Good Friday scripts and presentation graphics for your church’s Easter celebration this season. PDF and JPEG downloads include production notes, master script, 5 separate narrator scripts (adaptable for 2-5 narrators), and 5 presentation graphics (including PowerPoint slides, bulletin header, and print graphics).
Tonight all around the world there are people remembering the most historic death the world has ever born witness to. From North America to South America, Europe to Asia, Africa to Australia to Antarctica, wherever there is breath and life and humanity at its best and worst, there is remembering today. Remembering of a death while completely undeserved was completely necessary. A death while administered with torture and violence was endured by grace and love. (NARRATOR lights a single candle) A death while marked in pages of time passed long before us, birthed forth life that bears witness to us today, brings hope to us today, brings light to us today. This remembering is of Jesus.