Modern Day Miracle {Stories Monologue 4 & Everything Changed Live Music}

There is no story more precious than the one we tell at Christmas.
The Stories script includes 5 monologues presented by LILY, detailing the events of her modern-day Christmas Eve, woven together with 5 fictionalized narratives of Biblical characters present at the first Christmas. Beginning and ending with a common NARRATOR, this full-length, fully customizable dramatic presentation challenges listeners to consider what their stories mean in light of Jesus’.
Download includes sample service order, production notes, master script, 10 separate monologue scripts, 2 separate narrator scripts, and 11 presentation graphics (including PowerPoint slides, bulletin header, and print graphics).
PDF Download, JPEG Presentation & Promotional Graphics
Paperback script includes 10 monologues, 2 narrations, a sample service order, and detailed production notes.
Song | North Point Community Church “Everything Changed” | Lyrics
As WORSHIP TEAM begins to play, lights come up 50% on LILY who is holding a Bible. For the beginning portion of the song, LILY is reading the Christmas story. Her spoken thoughts will begin entwined with the song, and complete after the conclusion of the lyrics. WORSHIP TEAM remains playing quietly underneath her until monologue is complete and music fades into the next.
Beginning/Ending of song lyrics are indicated in bold. LILY’s drama cues and monologue are indicated in italic and regular font.
On a night like this . . .
The future was bright and clear. . .
On a night like this many years ago . . .
LIGHTS begin to move to full on LILY.
The future was bright and clear with hope and a promise made . . .
LILY looks up from the Bible, reflective and speaks to the audience in the musical interlude. The end of her thought should correspond closely with the beginning of the next musical phrase.
All my years of Christmases past . . . I’ve never heard this story, this way, be so real . . . How could I have possibly missed this?
LILY closes her eyes, and holds the Bible close for a moment of introspection.
When our dreams grow dim and our hearts grow cold
He is never far from our broken soul
This is the piece . . . that something more I’ve wondered about at Christmas. It has to be.
LILY’s final line can overlap the “Gloria!” of the bridge if necessary. LILY gets up and runs her hand along the manger.
Gloria! our God is with us . . .
. . . for every generation
Spoken between the musical phrasing.
This changes, everything.
For the Savior came and everything changed
Gloria! our God is with us! . . .
. . . and everything changed
LILY looks toward the audience again.
Thank you . . . for sharing this with me. This storm . . . this story . . . (tearing up a bit) it was for me.