Journey to the Cross [Excerpt]
Journey to the Cross is an interactive drama that retells the story of Jesus’ final week using a combination of narration, audience volunteers, and special sound effects to create a Good Friday family experience like none other.
A pdf download of this service including production notes, master script, foley script, volunteer group scripts, presentation, and promotional graphics can be purchased HERE. An excerpt of the service is included below for review. No part of this post may be copied, storied in a retrieval system, or presented to any audience without the purchase of the full script.

Photo by Yannick Pulver on Unsplash
Production Notes
Full production notes (including director’s notes, costume suggestions, tech notes, setting & stage area information, volunteer buzz word and action list, and foley effect notes) are included in the PDF download of this script. What follows is a brief excerpt to help provide clarity for the presentation.
Parents and students participate in a dramatic retelling of JESUS’ journey to the cross as depicted in the Gospel of Matthew (NIV). VOLUNTEERS are invited on stage to help illustrate the story as told by a lively and animated NARRATOR and accentuated with VOLUNTEER created sound effects (foley effects). Remaining parents and students comprise the AUDIENCE and will be invited to participate in the story from their seats.
“Cast” Breakdown
Leaders (6)
Lively and animated storyteller for the dramatic retelling of Journey to the Cross.
Available to help VOLUNTEERS with their lines/actions.
Available to help FOLEY ARTISTS with sound effects and timing.
Available to help the AUDIENCE with their lines/actions.
JESUS (1 – M)
The main Main.
Volunteers (13)
JESUS’ closest friends.
JUDAS (1 – M)
The DISCIPLE who betrayed JESUS.
Jewish leadership responsible for JESUS’ arrest and turning the people against Him.
Ruffians responsible for carrying out JESUS’ crucifixion orders.
Parents/students who will help with the sound effects for the story.
Remaining parents and students who will participate in the skit from their seats.
Director’s Notes
LEADERS will need access to a copy of the Master Script and their specific Volunteer Group Script prior to this presentation.
VOLUNTEERS will receive instruction from LEADERS on the day of the presentation as outlined in the Volunteer Group Scripts.
The only LEADER that needs a microphone is the NARRATOR.
Setting and Stage Area
The following diagram illustrates one way in which the staging area may be arranged for the presentation of this material. Please note that stage directions are opposite what the AUDIENCE’S right and left will be.

Volunteer Buzz Words & Actions
Throughout the script the NARRATOR will use certain buzz words to illicit a response from both VOLUNTEERS and the AUDIENCE. While verbal instructions are included in the spoken dialogue of the NARRATOR, a quick chart is included in the production notes of the PDF download of the script for easy reference.
Foley Effects
Throughout the script the NARRATOR will use certain buzz words to signal a sound effect from the FOLEY ARTISTS. While verbal instructions are included in the spoken dialogue of the FOLEY DIRECTOR, a quick chart and prop list are included in the PDF download of this service for easy reference.
Foley assignments will be made by the FOLEY DIRECTOR on the day of the performance as directed in the Volunteer Groups Script. FOLEY ARTISTS can follow along with the NARRATOR on a special color-coded script.
Script Sample
Excerpt from Master Script
Volunteer buzz words are highlighted throughout the Master Script in yellow and foley effect buzz words are highlighted throughout the Master Script in green with the intent that the NARRATOR will pause for the appropriate actions and/or sounds, and the STAGE MANAGER, FOLEY DIRECTOR, and FLOOR LEADERS will help VOLUNTEERS and AUDIENCE complete them.
Script begins with a welcome, introduction, and explanation by the NARRATOR of buzz words, sound effects and actions.
(JESUS, STAGE MANAGER, and FOLEY DIRECTOR give direction to all VOLUNTEERS according to their individual Volunteer Group Scripts page. When they are finished, everyone stands facing the AUDIENCE waiting for the NARRATOR to finish giving instructions.)
NARRATOR: Alright, everyone still sitting in your seats, you are going to help me “accentuate” some special words. Can someone tell me what the word “accentuate” means? (allow for AUDIENCE response) Yes! To “accentuate” something is to make it more noticeable or prominent.
NARRATOR continues giving the AUDIENCE instructions for the skit. AUDIENCe practices.
NARRATOR: Wonderful! I think this is going to be a really meaningful time for us. (pause for transition) Ok is everyone ready on stage? (wait for response) Everyone ready with sound effects? (wait for response) Great!
NARRATOR: (with dramatic flair) It is with great pleasure that I know present Journey to the Cross, a Good Friday drama by the families of __________________________________________ (insert church name)!
(TITLE SLIDE is projected on the screen.)
From Palm Sunday to Good Friday
(NARRATOR begins telling the story. RELIGIOUS LEADERS stand stage left, visibly upset. JESUS and the DISCIPLES begin slowly making their way up the center aisle from the back of the room toward the stage. They wave to the AUDIENCE as if they are the crowds around Jerusalem.)
Foley and Buzz Words have been boldened and designated in parenthesis for the online excerpt. The Master Script included in the downloadable service comes appropriately highlighted.
NARRATOR: On the Sunday before Passover (Green Foley Word), JESUS (Green Foley Word) rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, surrounded by his DISCIPLES (Yellow Buzz Word) like the King (Yellow Buzz Word) that He truly is. Crowds of people (Yellow Buzz Word) gathered around Him laying clothes on the road in front of him, waving palm branches to celebrate His arrival, shouting, “Hosanna! Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!”
(JESUS and DISCIPLES approach the stage, walk up, and stand opposite the RELIGIOUS LEADERS. JESUS and DISCIPLES pantomime talking together. The RELIGIOUS LEADERS stand with grumpy faces and arms crossed.)
NARRATOR: Now the RELIGIOUS LEADERS didn’t like this one bit. They didn’t like JESUS‘ (Green Foley Word) teachings, or the fact that the people (Yellow Buzz Word) had so lovingly welcomed Him into Jerusalem. If truth be told, the RELIGIOUS LEADERS hadn’t liked JESUS (Green Foley Word) for a very long time. They were threatened by Him – and all that He stood for – and so they secretly plotted how they could arrest, and kill Him.
NARRATOR: But they needed someone on the inside – someone who knew JESUS (Green Foley Word) well, who would be willing to betray (Green Foley Word) Him into their hands…
NARRATOR continues telling the story through Jesus’ death on the cross. Script concludes with NARRATOR’s final comments.
NARRATOR: Jesus, thank you for what you did for us on Good Friday. Thank you that you loved us enough to die for us to save us from our sins. Thank you that we have hope because we know the end of the story. Easter Sunday is coming and we will celebrate your resurrection with joy filled hearts. We love you Jesus. Amen. (pause to conclude prayer and transition)
NARRATOR: (reflective) That was really awesome guys. I’m so glad we took this time to reflect and remember together. Thanks for listening so well and doing such a great job acting this story out. Let’s take a moment to say thank you to everyone who helped on stage (pause for clapping) and thank you to everyone who helped off-stage (motion toward the AUDIENCE).
Like what you see?
Check out the rest of the script in the online shop HERE.