Journey to the Cross
An Interactive Good Friday Drama for Family Services
Journey to the Cross is an interactive drama that retells the story of Jesus’ final week using a combination of narration, audience volunteers, and special sound effects to create a Good Friday family experience like none other.
Get your copy today!
Included with the downloadable package*
you’ll find the following files to assist you and your team:
Production Notes
Contains a general overview of the presentation with special director’s notes regarding leaders, volunteers, costumes, tech, graphics, staging, buzz words, and foley effects.
Master Script
The entire script in one continuous document with detailed transitions and cues for directors, tech, production, and volunteer teams.
Volunteer Group Scripts
Individual scripts to be copied and distributed to specific volunteer group leaders and used in tandem with a Master or Foley Script.
Foley Script
Our story as told by the NARRATOR with foley effect buzz word sound effects and directions.
Presentation Graphics
Themed PowerPoint slides (dimensions 1365X768 px)
Promotional Graphics
Print graphics to market, advertise, and brand your presentation.
*Special Note:
Photocopies are permitted with downloadable packages only. Please see copyright information included in the director’s notes for additional information.