I haven’t fallen off the face of the world {although it may seem like I have}
Yes, yes I know. It’s been a while . . .
Life’s been spastic in a crazy sort of way the last couple of weeks. I managed to post a bit about what started it all here and here and even eeked out a few normal posts shortly after, but the therapy luxury of blogging’s been hard to keep up in the hectic-ness of recent days. Hence the blogging hiatus.
But it hasn’t all been brought on by the crazies (which is a word I must confess I use almost daily now). Mixed in the blender called my life with the long and sleepless nights of a teething child, and the stresses that come when you’re running on empty have been moments of pure unanticipated excitement.
You may remember the confession in my Momma Dreamer post that I want to write professionally. Over my little bloggy break an opportunity developed to do some freelance writing/editing on a contracted basis – the kind of long-term opportunity I’ve been praying would happen for a while. If that wasn’t exciting enough I’ve started to write a collection of monologues I’m hoping to self-publish in the near future – a dream that’s been in my heart for what seems like a long time that I’ve just recently gotten the guts to start working on.
So, I haven’t fallen off the face of the world . . . although it may seem like I have. And I am also NOT pregnant – because as some of you may or may not know the last time I took an unannounced, extended break we were surprised with the news that I was expecting Noah.
Now that we’ve cleared the air . . . I realize I have a lot of juggling to do in the coming weeks, but I just wanted to make it official.
I’m back :).