FREE Downloadable 2014-2015 Planner
I’ve been feeling a bit untethered lately. With our summer story winding down, running headlong into a brand new fall schedule, and my love-hate relationship with my current planner . . . it’s no wonder.
Yes, I still use a paper planner. I’m the kind of organized-creative that needs something tactile I can shuffle around to see the biggest picture possible, rather than being limited to viewing one screen at a time. I’ve tried everything from my iPhone to iCal to the way-back-when-Palm-Pilot and I just can’t do it.
But I also get a little picky with planners. I need white space, less lines, and for the people at Day Timer to stop telling me what headings to use to categorize my life, or what holidays I should celebrate.
So I made my own – and I’m sharing with you.
You’re welcome. 🙂
This 17 month, 2014-2015 planner begins with a two-page calendar spread, followed by a two-page spread of monthly goals. All the headings and content are completely up to you – AKA you can change your mind from month to month and not scribble all over the page.
Each week of the month is given a two-page spread as well, which includes Monday-through-Sunday schedule blocks, meal planning, and weekly to-do lists.
A new centeredness has entered our home and it’s because I gave myself space to plan in peace.
Thank goodness.
To download your own 17 month, 2014-2015 planner click the following link:
2014-2015 Planner
I took mine to a local print spot, had it run double-sided in black and white on a slightly thicker paper, and coil bound for good measure. Color was a bit pricey for my taste, so I opted for some pretty pink Sharpies that were on sale. Win-win.