Finding the Joy in this COVID Christmas

This has been such a hard year.
2020 started out with all the hopeful promise a new year and a new decade brings, and then went and surprised us in the most devastating ways. Month after month, we survived loss after loss, and now we stand on the threshold of Christmas wondering how to reconcile those losses, both public and private, with the joy of the season we so desperately want to feel.Can we still find joy in this COVID Christmas?
If there is one thing this year has taught me, it is that joy is less a feeling and more a choice. It is an opportunity to train our eyes to see beyond our very real lives in the physical, to what remains steadfast and true in the supernatural. It is the soul-defining exercise of finding beauty in the ashes.Joy in the little things. Joy in the hard things. Joy in the lost things.
Our Christmas this year will not physically look the same – and there is very real sadness and pain in that actuality for so many people. But spiritually has anything really changed?Jesus has still come. He is still Lord. We are still saved.
Joy, upon joy, upon joy!
Loss and joy, could we not tenderly hold them both?
In her book The Greatest Gift, Ann Voskamp writes, “Joy is a function of gratitude and gratitude is a function of perspective.” My prayer for this season is that we would have the perspective and the mind of Christ. That our gratitude for His coming would overwhelm our hearts with the joy of our salvation, filling the cracks and brokenness of our lives with His presence and His peace.O weary world, rejoice!
I cannot seem to get this Christmas lyric from “O Holy Night” out of my head this season –The weary world rejoices.
Goodness. We can come to the manger weary, and we can still come rejoicing. Let that be the truth of our Christmas in 2020.But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. Luke 2:10-11
I wrote a poem this season I’d like to include as an addendum to this post that I hope reflects the idea of finding joy even now. Over the next few days I hope you’ll take a moment to re-read the story of Christmas, listen to a few carols, and find the joy to rejoice for all we still have this season.
You Can Hear it in the Carols (Rejoice!)
You can hear it in the carols, And the twinkle of expectant eyes. In the dancing, sparkling lights of Christmas, And joyful hearts contented sighs.
Rejoice! A babe’s been born to us, In the still and silent night. Sing Joy, sweet world, wake up! Emmanuel draws nigh.
All of heaven’s glory wrapped Within a tiny newborn’s skin. Hands that formed the universe, Now gentled for our sin.
Rejoice! O broken-hearted, For He who comes to us, bends low, To meet us in our need, our hurt, Redeeming grace to show.
Rejoice! O weary sinner, No longer do you wait. For love’s come down to rescue you, Made all crooked places straight.
Rejoice! Beloved children, For your Savior is your King, He rules in truth, in glories proof, O’er all your life will bring.
Rejoice! With heaven all the earth, Join loud with angel song. Lift up your voice! Rejoice! Rejoice! Come Christ, come near, come now!