frequently asked questions
What is a dramatic reading?
Dramatic readings are scripts that do not need to be performed by an actor or actress but can be read or received by anyone dramatically using their voice and naturally accompanying hand gestures.
What is a monologue?
A monologue is a lengthy dramatic speech by one actor or actress. They can be used as a stand-alone piece or woven together with other creative elements to craft an entire service.
What is an interactive drama?
An interactive drama is one that requires minimal or no pre-work for actors and actresses involved on stage and has a part written for every person in the room. Driven largely by a narrator/teacher (who does need to see a copy of the script prior to presentation), interactive dramas are an excellent way to involve kids, students, or families in a dramatic retelling of a familiar Bible story, and introduce them to this exciting form of story-telling.
What is a skit?
Skits are stand-alone short plays or performances that can be between 5-15 minutes in length.
What is included in a complete service?
Complete services come with a sample service order, production notes, narrations and/or monologues, and song selections. Some will also include presentation and promotional graphics (noted in the product description where applicable).
Why are some resources both free and paid?
Some scripts have been edited, reformatted, and expanded into print or downloadable resources that are available for a small fee in order to better serve you. Free and paid resources of the same title may be similar – but the paid resources will always be the most up-to-date and efficient version of the script.
Why are some resources available in paperback and others available as downloads?
In order to offer scripts to customers around the world, we offer some resources in paperback (through Amazon’s self-publishing platform) while others are available as direct downloads on this site.
- Paperback resources are available world-wide, fulfilled by Amazon, and eligible for Prime shipping. They are listed at a lower price point because they are not eligible to be photocopied. Therefore the purchase of multiple copies is often necessary.
- Downloadable resources are only available in countries that do not impose a VAT tax and are listed at a higher price point because each purchase entitles you to make as many copies for your church or ministry as necessary at no additional charge.
Are there performance royalties associated with these scripts?
All scripts marked FREE are yours to use and perform in their original online format at no charge – performance royalty or otherwise. There are no performance royalties for PAID scripts or creative ministry resources unless otherwise indicated.