Fantastic Mr. Fox [Emerald City Theatre]
My family was given five free tickets to see Emerald City’s presentation of Fantastic Mr. Fox at Victory Gardens Theater in exchange for posting a review of the show. All thoughts and opinions expressed here are my own.

Show Overview
The animals of the wood are going to be starved out by evil farmers Boggis, Bunce, and Bean if someone doesn’t come up with a plan to outsmart them – and FAST. Luckily, Fantastic Mr. Fox is among them, and he is as clever as he is determined to save his family and friends. Join the animals on an adventure of survival and discover the power there is in working together.

Show Highlights
Based on the story by Roald Dahl of the same name, Fantastic Mr. Fox is an artistic expression of a beloved children’s story. Here were a few of my favorite takeaways:
Live Music
Throughout the entirety of the performance, character musicians played a variety of instruments to accentuate the dramatic action of the play. Folksy tunes played by guitar, mandolin, ukulele, accordion, clarinet, and hand percussion instruments (to name a few) helped distinguish characters (like the farmers verses the foxes in a very Peter-and-the-Wolf manner) and types of action (like the digging of the animals verses the digging of the farmers).
This was by far my favorite element of the show because it was SO WELL DONE, effortlessly presented, and introduced my kids to instruments and a style of music outside what they are normally exposed to.
A Quadruple Threat Ensemble
The ensemble is always phenomenal in every Emerald City show I’ve seen, but with each new performance, they keep getting better and better (as if that is even possible). Fantastic Mr. Fox continues in that tradition, to top the shows that precede it.
This ensemble doesn’t only act – they are embodying animal characters and ALL that entails. They sing. They dance. And if that is not already enough talent, they play all of the instruments interchangeably like it is no big deal at all.
I HAVE to draw attention to this point because most people will never professionally perform in ONE capacity, let alone FOUR, and the cast of Fantastic Mr. Fox does it all so effortlessly and beautifully.
Behind the Scenes Excellence
From costumes, to staging, to special effects, Fantastic Mr. Fox excels behind the scenes. Six of the ten characters are animals, and the costume designer did an exceptional job whimsically weaving animal concepts throughout each piece. I loved that the staging was more abstract, causing the audience to engage with and imagine the scenes as they unfolded. The special effects were brilliant and kept my older boys (10 and 7) engaged and attentive throughout the entire show.

Parent Notes
Consider the age of your kids.
We have a pretty big age gap between our older two boys (10 and almost 8) and our youngest (3), and as such, it’s not easy to see a show that hits all of them where they are developmentally. Fantastic Mr. Fox was a great show for my older boys – there was a bit more drama, the music and action was more intense, and the special effects were grander in every sense of that word. There were several times I looked over to see my youngest holding onto Daddy, covering his ears. To be certain, he enjoyed the performance and the family experience, but I would be hesitant to bring a younger child.
All of that being said, there were younger kids in the audience, and several parents had to walk them out for certain parts of the play. It is SUPER important to note this is no big deal. Emerald City is great about accommodating kids where they are, and audiences understand there is going to be movement in and out of the theater. If you’re planning to bring a younger child, know you may have to step out, and know that is absolutely ok.
Don’t be in a rush to leave.
The actors of Emerald City Theatre are always available at the end of every performance to sign autographs and take pictures with the kiddos. We ordered a copy of Roald Dahl’s book ahead of time to collect autographs, but Emerald City also provides kid-specific playbills that work just as well, and have copies of the book available to purchase on-site. We love this particular tradition and make plans to stay long enough for the boys to interact with the performers.
Plan time for conversation.
If you are familiar with Roald Dahl’s story, you know it touches on some complex themes.
Is stealing ever ok?
What do you do when someone treats you or someone else unjustly?
How does survival and morality relate to one another?
These are just a few of the questions that came up as we talked through the show with our older boys on the way home. This is the value of good theater. It should open up dialogue and conversation about hard things. Do not miss this opportunity as a parent.

Show Run & Ticket Info
Fantastic Mr. Fox
“You’re Invited to a Fox’s Feast!!”
December 14, 2018 – January 12, 2019
At Victory Gardens Theater in Lincoln Park
Adapted for the stage by David Wood
From the book by Roald Dahl
Directed by Jacqueline Stone
Fantastic Mr. Fox runs 75 minutes with one intermission. Daytime and evening performances are available. Tickets start at $20 at or through the Victory Gardens Theater Box Office at 773-871-3000. Click the link above for large group discounts, field trips, and additional ticket information.