DIY paint color swatch book
The color match technology at your local hardware store is pretty fabulous. Bring a swatch of something in and voila! Paint to match. It’s a perfect color match solution except of course if you’re trying to color match say . . . your bathtub. What to do then?
Long ago, a friend of mine snagged a paint color swatch book like this one . . .

. . . and I’ve wanted one ever since.
Except normally you have to be an interior designer or something like that to get one. So I made my own.
Yes I stood like a crazy lady in the Home Depot aisle raiding all the color swatches for Behr paint while my mom did laps with the boys. BUT I now have six paint color swatch books of my own to use for future painting projects.
I kept all the swatches in order, punched a hole in the side, and tied them together with yarn. No hassle, no cost, AND we matched the tub.
And wouldn’t you know . . . it wasn’t the color I thought it would be :).