Contemporary Christmas Service [Music & Narration]

Simply Christmas
Narration and Production Notes for a Complete Christmas Eve Service
Take advantage of the revised and expanded Contemporary Christmas Service, newly titled Simply Christmas, for your church’s Christmas presentation this season.
Download includes sample service order, production notes, master script, 6 separate narrator scripts (adaptable for 2-12 narrators), and 5 presentation graphics (including PowerPoint slides, bulletin header, and print graphics).
PDF Download, JPEG Presentation & Promotional Graphics
Script includes sample service order, song suggestions, 6 complete narrations, and production notes.
The original lite version will remain online for FREE below.
The Contemporary Christmas Service is a simple full-length Christmas experience that can be produced by churches both large and small, engaging congregants through narration and song.
Production Notes
The Contemporary Christmas Service is formatted for two narrators. Narrations can easily be read (with narrators sitting on stools and using music stands), or memorized and dramatically performed.
Be as creative with musical suggestions as talent in your church will allow. You may choose to have narrators invite congregants to participate in singing or perform songs as solos, in small ensembles, by choir, or with a traditional worship team/band.
To accommodate late-comers, you may choose to add congregational caroling before the following presentation. Choose carols that are well known, up-beat, and beloved by your congregation. Dim or darken lights to signify transition to the Christmas presentation.
Staging / Scenery
Staging and scenery can be as elaborate as time, finances, and creative resources will allow. There is nothing presentation-specific that must be accommodated.
Placing narrators and musicians on opposing sides of your stage for each segment will minimize the distraction of entrances and exits. Entrances and exits should occur under dim or dark lighting. Glow-in-the-dark tape is a great tool to line the edges of your stage and any stairs to assist with safe transitions.
Narrations were originally written for and performed at Northwest Assembly of God. Song selections have been freshened to reflect current music. Additional production notes appear in italics throughout the following script & service order.
Contemporary Christmas Service Order
with Narrator Script & Music Suggestions
Narrator 1
On a special night in Bethlehem . . .
Narrator 2
. . . years and years ago . . .
Narrator 1
. . . only a few people realized a King had arrived.
Narrator 2
There was no great welcoming party that gathered in Bethlehem anticipating the birth of the newborn Messiah.
Narrator 1
There was no fanfare or royal announcement echoing through the streets of the city.
Narrator 2
There was only a quiet welcome by two parents that realized they had witnessed the glorious birth of a very special baby.
Narrator 1
The baby the angel said would be called Jesus . . .
Narrator 2
. . . the one who would be the Savior of the World.
Jesus, Born on This Day – Mariah Carey
Narrator 2
In the fields outside of Bethlehem, a group of shepherds were startled when the sky erupted with excitement. An angel stood before them broadcasting the joyous news . . .
Narrator 1
(as the angel) Good tidings of great joy to everyone. A Savior, Christ the Lord, has been born in the city of David.
Narrator 2
Then suddenly a host of angels appeared to them giving praise and glory to God.
Narrator 1
The shepherds wanted to adore the Holy Child who held within Him humanity’s only hope of heaven. They came to the manger humbly, offering up all that they were in worship to this newborn king.
Narrator 2
They looked at Him with eyes of faith . . .
Narrator 1
. . . eyes that saw both His humanity and His divinity . . .
Narrator 2
. . . both a child and a King.
Welcome to Our World – Chris Rice
Narrator 1
Then there was Mary . . .
Narrator 2
As Mary gazed at her new child she knew this was not an ordinary baby. She was reminded of the words the angel had spoken to her.
Narrator 1
(as an angel) You will give birth to a Son and You will call His name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. His kingdom will never end.
Narrator 2
Her heart filled with excitement as she anticipated the reign of this new baby King.
Narrator 1
She had no idea about the future . . .
Narrator 2
. . . where life would take this special child . . .
Narrator 1
She had no idea the redemptive purpose her Son would pay for the lives of humanity.
Narrator 2
She only saw this moment . . .
Narrator 1
. . . and treasured in her heart all that would happen that night.
Mary Did You Know? – Pentatonix
Narrator 1
I marvel, as did those at the first Christmas, at the power and comfort held in these most cherished words . . .
Narrator 2
(reflective) Peace on earth, good will toward men.
Narrator 1
God has made His peace . . .
Narrator 2
. . . His acceptance . . .
Narrator 1
. . . available to us through His Son.
Narrator 2
It’s that simple.
Narrator 1
It’s that amazing.
Narrator 2
But those words were not only meant for Bethlehem two thousand years ago . . .
Narrator 1
. . . they are still relevant to us today.
Narrator 2
God still offers this Good news to everyone.
Narrator 1
If you listen with your heart, you’ll hear it again.
What Love is This? – Kari Jobe
MUSICIANS begin playing What Love is This? and VOCALIST(s) sing Verse 1, Chorus 1, Verse 2, Chorus 2, and Bridge (Jesus in your suffering, you were reaching . . .).
At conclusion of Bridge, MUSICIANS repeat Chorus (no vocals) and NARRATORS begin the following:
Narrator 2
Some might ask why Jesus came to earth, and why He left heaven’s throne to live in poverty and die in pain.
Narrator 1
He answered that question Himself when He said . . .
Narrator 2
I have come that they might have life and have it more abundantly.
Narrator 1
Jesus began His life in a very humble place but He lived a life that changed the whole world.
Narrator 2
He is still looking for a humble place to get started. He waits to be born again and again into every life that will welcome Him.
Narrator 1
Into every heart that is humble enough to say . . .
Narrator 2
Come in.
VOCALIST(s) sing Chorus again, followed by a music-only chorus, and following narration.
Narrator 1
Lord Jesus, here, fave to face with who You are and why You came, we feel a quiet call to lay down everything . . .
Narrator 2
. . . our sin . . .
Narrator 1
. . . our sorrow . . .
Narrator 2
. . . our ambition . . .
Narrator 1
. . . and pride . . .
Narrator 2
. . . and finally, completely to call you Lord. We admit that we are sinners in need of a Savior and as we bring our lives before You, forgive us . . .
Narrator 1
. . . heal us . . .
Narrator 2
. . . and fill us with abundant life.
Conclude What Love is This? with another chorus (or two) sung by VOCALIST(s).
PASTOR concludes service, perhaps followed by a more upbeat Christmas carole sung by the congregation.