15 Christmas Resources for your Church [under $10 each]

Every year when Target pulls out the halloween candy and creepy lawn decorations, I break out my Christmas music and read the story again of how Jesus came to us as a child in the manger. I know it’s early, but for years I planned the Christmas experiences for our church, and the tradition has stuck with me.
It never gets old.
The truth of this story, the pulse of God’s heart for humanity, it brings me to tears every year in the most simplest and profound of ways. Through the melody of a song, or the phrasing of a different translation. In the fresh stories of others who have fallen hard at the manger and wept for the beauty they’ve found inside.
Jesus has come.
He loves us. He is for us. What better news could anyone ever receive?
I think this is why it was so important to me as a young minister to find new ways to communicate the miracle of Christ’s birth – ways that would impact not only someone’s mind, but their heart as well. I’ve always hoped that every journey toward Christmas would be engaging and fresh, opening my heart up to wonder again and again at this incredible and undeserved gift from God.
I know this can be a tall order to fill for ministers and creative teams longing to present the same opportunity to their congregants at Christmas. Ministers who work hard all year round to make heart connections between the people they serve and the God they love.
But it is so necessary, and so worth it.
One of the ways I keep this passion of mine going and growing is by providing resources to pastors and churches who might need a little help creatively planning for Christmas. It is my privilege and joy to continue being part of Christmas ministry in such a small way during these years of raising little ones in our family.
So today I am super excited to share 15 resources I’ve created over the years to help churches plan for Christmas. Every resource listed here is under $10, seven of them are actually free in their original online format. Paid resources are edited, reformatted, and often-times expanded for publication (plus they are easier to copy than printing directly from a post!).
**POST UPDATE** Many of these resources have been reformatted as service downloads with promotional graphics and powerpoint slides. Download links are included for your convenience BUT are priced higher than $10 because of the additionally included content.
I hope these resources will be a blessing to you and your church as you prepare for Christmas this year!
[1] Christmas through the Carols
Web Version – FREE |Download | Paperback
Christmas through the Carols is a full-length Christmas Eve presentation churches of all sizes can adapt to the seasonal needs and artistic abilities of their congregation. Using a combination of narration, scripture reading, & song, congregants journey through the Christmas story by way of some of the most cherished Christmas carols of our time.
Paperback includes sample service order, song selection, 8 narrations (adaptable for 2 or 7 narrators), & production notes.
[2] Simply Christmas
Web Version – FREE* |Download | Paperback
Simply Christmas contains the narration, production notes, and song suggestions for an entire Christmas Eve service. It’s an honest celebration of the season – adaptable for any size ensemble, church, or budget – that can be prepared and presented with ease.
Paperback script includes sample service order, song suggestions, 6 narrations (adaptable for 2-12 narrators), and production notes.
*The free web version of Simply Christmas is listed on this site as the Contemporary Christmas Service.
[3] Christmas Monologues
Web Version – FREE
The Angel, Mary & Joseph Christmas monologues can be used as stand-alone pieces to enhance any Christmas service, or woven together with additional creative elements to craft an entire presentation.
Web version includes a link to full production notes. Christmas Monologues are different from the monologues outlined in the bundle below.
[4] Christmas Monologue Bundle
PDF Download – six monologue bundle
– OR –
each individual monologue
The Christmas Monologue Bundle contains scripts for six characters in the Christmas narrative which can be used as stand-alone pieces to enhance any Christmas service, or combined with special music, video, additional narration, or other artistic expression to craft an entire Christmas experience. Titles include:
[5] Story of a Barren Woman | Elizabeth
ELIZABETH has spent a lifetime waiting to be a mother, and her people have spent hundreds of years waiting for a Word from God. Her cry of longing can be felt throughout the monologue as a refrain and a prayer that echoes the pain of waiting, and the hope of a faith founded in the truth of who God is.
[6] Story of a Carpenter | Joseph
Jesus is here, Mary is safe, and as a new parent JOSEPH does not know what to do with his Savior. JOSEPH’S uncertainty at his own capabilities of parenting Jesus is met with a determined faith in the God who he knows will continue to provide for every need of his young family.
[7] Story of a Messenger | Angel
The ANGEL has brought God’s messages to earth for thousands of years, and yet the one message that changed everything for all of humanity came quietly to a simple young woman in the village of Nazareth.
[8] Story of a Seeker | Wise Man
The WISE MAN has spent his life searching for the Jewish Messiah and believes he may be close enough to meet Him in his lifetime. Believing the promises of Scripture, and with the hope of finding God’s Son, the WISE MAN is ready to take the adventure of his lifetime.
[9] Story of an Outcast | Shepherd
The SHEPHERD has spent a lifetime in the shadows of Jewish culture, living and learning from afar. A spiritual hunger drives him to read the Scriptures and discovers a lengthy record of shepherds like him. After the angelic visitation and visiting Jesus in the manger, he is sure. The Good News is for everyone, even outcasts like shepherds.
[10] Story of an Unwed Mother | Mary
MARY knows she is pregnant with the Messiah, but her condition is still a secret from her friends and family. How will Joseph accept the news? How will MARY survive the social stigma of an illegitimate pregnancy?
[11] Stories
Web Version – FREE | Download | Paperback
Stories is a series of five monologues and two narrations featuring the character of LILY and the events of her snowy Midwestern Christmas Eve. Monologues can be used with additional creative elements and/or live music to craft an entire Christmas service.
Web version includes production notes and service ideas.
The Accident at Christmas
Web Version – FREE | PDF Download
The Accident at Christmas is a monologue-sketch hybrid for two people that tells a story of Christmas lost, Christmas redeemed, and the choice to pursue the real meaning behind the holiday.
PDF download includes complete production notes and full script.
Experience Christmas
Kindle | Paperback
Challenge yourself, and your creative team or church staff, for twenty-five days this December to prepare your heart for the manger, and experience this Christmas like never before.
Experience Christmas is a beautiful devotional tool, enabling the reader to engage the Biblical narrative in a new way. Each of the twenty-five devotions can be used for individual or group study, and includes a daily Scripture, reflection, suggested song, and prayer prompt.
Prepare your heart first this Christmas as you work to prepare the services that will reach out to others.
Six Things You Can Do NOW
To Prep Creatively For Your Christmas Services
Blog Post – FREE
Christmas is one of the highest attended days of the church calendar year by both Christians and non-Christians alike, but the weekly challenges of running a church, staff workloads, and tight finances can make planning a creative Christmas experience for worshippers a difficult objective. This year, make the decision to pro-actively and creatively source your Christmas services by beginning your prep NOW with these six things in mind… [Read More]
5 Ways to Creatively Source Your Christmas Service
(and 20 resources to help you implement them)
Blog Post – FREE
There is oftentimes a gap between the decision to make Christmas creative and the implementation of it. Listed below are five types of creative elements you can incorporate into your Christmas services, and 20 resources to help you make them a possibility. [Read More]