So we’re trying something new . . .

Something I never thought we’d do.
Something that excites me and terrifies me, in the most profound of ways, at exactly the same time.
We’re homeschooling Elijah for Kindergarten.
It’s crazy to type those words out, because now it feels real, for real.
No more planning. No more talking. No more wondering.
We are ALL in.
Curriculum purchased. Basement re-done. Schedule re-evaluated.
We-told-the-school-we’re-not-coming – kind of “in.”
And that’s a little terrifying.
Then I worry what people will think. If this makes us too different. I worry what Elijah will say when he’s old enough to know better. I worry if I’m enough and if I’m capable of making this year meaningful. Worthwhile.
But there have been so many families, of brave moms and dads and amazingly talented kids, who have called me to question if this way might be a good way for us.
I don’t actually know for sure, except that I am so compelled, I need to try, to find out.
We might decide at the end of this school year that this was an interesting experiment. We might decide its worth another go. Either way, I’m excited to take this adventure – because somewhere in the deep-dark parts of my heart, I know there is the possibility we might absolutely love it.
Although that surprises me in about a million and a half ways, I’m going to run with it.
So here we are, day one of homeschool.
Deep breath.