Family Schedule Board 2.0 & Free Printables
Introducing Custom Schedule Board Prints
Choose between standard or customized prints of Monthly, Weekly, or Combination Schedule Boards to meet your organizational needs. When printed and framed, they function as stunning 24″X36″ dry erase schedule boards.
You may remember my guest post on a {day} with lil mama stuart about our family schedule board. I’ve since expanded our tile collection to include more friends, family, our personal weekly events AND the months, dates, and holidays which I plan to share with YOU! Keep reading to download your own FREE family schedule board printables!
- 35”X23” Magnetic Dry Erase Board with Tray & Magnets ($23.99 at Hobby Lobby)
- ¾” Black Electrical Tape (around $2 at Home Depot)
- Magnetic tape ($5.99 at Hobby Lobby)
- Days of the week magnets ($4.99 at Hobby Lobby)
- Dry Erase Marker Set with Magnet Holder ($4.49 at Hobby Lobby)
- Picture Tiles – more on this later (about $2 per 8.5”X11” page at Office Depot)
- Foam clock ($1 at Target)
- Coupon Caddy to store picture tiles (had at home)
- Magnetic clips (had at home)
- Divide the white board into 8 vertical sections with electrical tape. The first section from the left is 9” wide. Each subsequent section is approximately 3½” wide.
- Create a daily header with a piece of horizontal electrical tape. Place day of the week magnets and dates in each day’s header.
- Fill each day with picture tiles that correspond to the events of your day. I like to use the left section for my own personal notes 🙂
To make your own picture tiles download these **FREE PRINTABLES**: